Frequently Asked Questions

User Guide Information/Troubleshooting

Can I use Geltrex or Matrigel as a coating substrate for hPSC cultures?

Our kits are not optimized with these substrates. However, if your hPSC differentiation protocols are already optimized with such a substrate, you may try using one of these with our kit at your own risk.

Can I use an orbital shaker for SeV infection while incubating cell suspension for 10 minutes?

The purpose of flicking the tube containing cells and SeV every 2 minutes during the 10 minute incubation is to prevent cells from settling down and forming aggregates. If the orbital shaker can do so, then it is possible to use it.

Why does my culture have colonies that appear balled up and round on day 1?

It could be that Coating Material A was diluted at room temperature or diluted using PBS warmed to room temperature. Keep both Coating Material A and PBS on ice before dilution.

Why do I see many floating cells and/or cellular debris on day 1?

hPSCs were likely damaged while they were harvested. hPSCs may have been mechanically harvested by scraping or were pipetted too much or too vigorously. Lift Solution D1-treated hPSCs only by pipetting them up and down up to 15 times.