Application Note: Genetic and Functional Profiling of hiPSC-derived Excitatory Neurons Differentiated by Quick-Neuron Technology

Application Note: Genetic and Functional Profiling of hiPSC-derived Excitatory Neurons Differentiated by Quick-Neuron™ Technology

Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) hold much promise in providing unique opportunities to advance the understanding and treatment of human disease. hiPSCs can be expanded in culture indefinitely and can be differentiated into cells of all types, thereby providing a valuable source of trillions of reproducible cells for extended research.

In our Application Note "Genetic and Functional Profiling of hiPSC-derived Excitatory Neurons Differentiated by Quick-Neuron™ Technology", we demonstrate that Elixirgen Scientific’s hiPSC-derived Quick-Neuron™ Excitatory Neurons are physiologically relevant, have gene expression profiles similar to their in vivo counterparts, and may be used for toxicity screening, pharmacogenomics, drug discovery, disease modeling, and regenerative medicine.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact us at [email protected].