Webinar: Dendritic Spine Formation & Synapse Maturation in iPSC-Derived Neurons

Webinar: Dendritic Spine Formation & Synapse Maturation in iPSC-Derived Neurons

In our upcoming webinar, join our guest speakers as they shed light on how transcription factor-induced iPSC-derived neurons can achieve advanced maturation and spinogenesis.

Sign up today to learn about:

  • Dendritic spine formation and synaptic maturation in iPSC-derived neurons
  • The impact of iPSC-derived neurons in drug discovery and disease modeling
  • The answers to your questions in a live Q&A

This exploration will enhance your understanding of the previously reported limits of iPSC-derived neurons, how transcription factors can change and affect maturation and spinogenesis, and how these cells can be used to develop disease models and assays that are physiologically relevant to brain functions and cognitive disorders.

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