GABAergic Neurons

Gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of neuronal signaling and tease apart variations due to age, gender, and donor variability with neurons derived from human iPS cells.

  • Quick-Neuron™ GABAergic Kits provide you with a quick and easy way to turn your iPS cells into GABAergic neurons.
iPSC-derived GABAergic Neurons


  • ~ 1 week differentiation
  • Highly pure population
  • No genetic footprint
  • Differentiation Kits available


Differentiation kit workflow

10 day iPSC differentiation into GABAergic neurons
Elixirgen Scientific's Quick-Neuron™ GABAergic - mRNA Kit cell cultures

Representative images of Quick-Neuron GABAergic - mRNA Kit cell cultures on days 1-10 post-differentiation (scale bar = 100 μm).

iPSC-derived cells workflow

Workflow for cryopreserved iPSC-derived GABAergic Neurons
iPSC-derived GABAergic Neuron Phase contrast images

Representative images of Quick-Neuron™ GABAergic - Human iPSC-derived Neurons on days 1-7 post-thaw (scale bar = 100 μm).

iPSC-derived GABAergic Neuron ICC images

Immunofluorescent staining of Quick-Neuron™ GABAergic - mRNA Kit cell cultures shows typical neurite growth and expression of the pan-neuronal marker TUBB3 and the GABAergic neuron-specific marker PVALB on day 10 post-differentiation (scale bar = 100 μm). Staining conditions: Anti-β-III tubulin monoclonal antibody (R&D Systems, Catalog Number: MAB1195, 1:250 dilution) in combination with a secondary antibody (Invitrogen,Catalog Number: A32723 Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) Highly Cross-Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, AlexaFluor Plus 488, 1:500 dilution). Anti-PVALB primary antibody (Novus Biologicals, Catalog Number: NB120-11427 , 1:1000 dilution) in combination with a secondary antibody (Invitrogen, Catalog Number: A11037 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) Highly Cross-Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor 594, 1:500 dilution). Nuclei were counterstained with Hoechst 33342.

iPSC-derived GABAergic Neuron ICC images

Immunofluorescent staining of Quick-Neuron™ GABAergic - mRNA Kit cell cultures shows typical neurite growth and expression of the pan-neuronal marker TUBB3 and the GABAergic neuron-specific marker GAD65/67 on
day 11 post-differentiation (scale bar = 100 μm). Staining conditions: Anti-β-III tubulin monoclonal antibody (R&D Sys- tems, Catalog Number: MAB1195, 1:250 dilution) in combination with a secondary antibody (Invitrogen,Catalog Number: A32723 Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) Highly Cross-Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, AlexaFluor Plus 488, 1:500 dilution). Anti-GAD65/GAD67 primary antibody (Fisher Scientific, Catalog Number: PA5-36080, 1:400 dilution) in combination with a secondary antibody (Invitrogen, Catalog Number: A11037 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) Highly Cross-Adsorbed Sec- ondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor 594, 1:500 dilution). Nuclei were counterstained with Hoechst 33342.

The data demonstrates the GABA expression level by Quick-Neuron™ GABAergic Neuronal Culture 14 and 21 days differentiation. Day 21 expresses 790.482 GABA ng/ml.

GABA expression level was determined by ELISA from Quick-Neuron™ GABAergic neuronal culture, using supernatants collected at day 14 and day 21 post differentiation (n=2). Data is expressed as the mean of 2 biological replicates ±SD. Supernatants of Quick-Neuron™ Excitatory neuronal culture at day 21 post differentiation were used as negative control.

GABAergic Neuron Differentiation Kits

Our Quick-Neuron™ GABAergic - mRNA Kits (small and large sizes available) allow researchers to quickly, easily, and efficiently differentiate their iPS or ES cell line of choice into GABAergic neurons. The kits utilize synthetic messenger RNA (syn-mRNA) to deliver our proprietary cocktail of transcription factors that induce differentiation without leaving a genetic footprint.

Cat No. Product Name Disease StatusDescription
GA-mRNA Quick-Neuron™ GABAergic - mRNA Kit This kit differentiates human pluripotent stem cells into GABAergic neurons in 10 days using synthetic mRNA.
GA-MM Quick-Neuron™ GABAergic - Maintenance Medium Medium for long-term maintenance of human iPS/ESC-derived GABAergic neurons.

iPSC-derived GABAergic Neurons

Elixirgen Scientific’s Quick-Neuron™ GABAergic - Human iPSC-derived Neurons are created using human iPS cells made available through a license from The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM).

The CIRM iPS cell repository includes over 1,500 iPS cell lines, so please contact us if you would like GABAergic neurons derived from a specific donor cell line. Every lot of iPSCs is differentiated into GABAergic neurons using our proprietary transcription factor-based technology that is “footprint-free” and delivers functional, high-quality cells.

Cat No. Product Name Disease StatusDescription
GA-mRNA-CW50065 Quick-Neuron™ GABAergic - Human iPSC-derived Neurons (Healthy Control - standard) Healthy Control Cryopreserved human iPSC-derived GABAergic neurons from Healthy Control patient
GA-mRNA-HC Quick-Neuron™ GABAergic - Human iPSC-derived Neurons (Healthy Control) Healthy Control Cryopreserved human iPSC-derived GABAergic neurons from Healthy Control donor
GA-mRNA-AD Quick-Neuron™ GABAergic - Human iPSC-derived Neurons (Alzheimer's Disease) Alzheimer's Disease Cryopreserved human iPSC-derived GABAergic neurons from Alzheimer's Disease patient
GA-mRNA-EP Quick-Neuron™ GABAergic - Human iPSC-derived Neurons (Epilepsy) Epilepsy Cryopreserved human iPSC-derived GABAergic neurons from Epilepsy patient
GA-mRNA-AU Quick-Neuron™ GABAergic - Human iPSC-derived Neurons (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Autism Spectrum Disorder Cryopreserved human iPSC-derived GABAergic neurons from Autism Spectrum Disorder patient

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a license to use Elixirgen’s iPSC-derived cells and/or differentiation reagent kits?

No. The use of differentiated cells or kits provided by Elixirgen Scientific does not require any additional license from other parties for any type of use, except for use in humans or for therapeutic or diagnostic use. Check out our license statement in Resource section for further detail.

What sizes of Quick-Neuron™ Excitatory - Human iPSC-derived Neurons are available?

Off the shelf, we offer small (>1 million viable cryopreserved cells) and large (5x >1 million viable cryopreserved cells) sizes. If you are looking for a larger quantity, please contact us for pricing information.

Should I use an mRNA- or SeV-based differentiation kit?

Both delivery methods provide robust “footprint-free,” non-integrating expression of the transcription factors, although each kit uses a slightly different workflow. Based on our data, the differentiation efficiency between an mRNA-based and a SeV-based kit is similar. For example, the percentages of TUBB3+ neurons differentiated using Quick-Neuron™ Cholinergic mRNA- and SeV-based kits were 93% and 88%, respectively.

We recommend the mRNA-based neuron differentiation kits for labs with experience culturing iPSCs/ESCs, as the workflow involves slightly more manipulation of fragile differentiating cells than the SeV-based kits. The SeV-based kits are better for labs with little experience culturing iPSCs/ESCs, although they must be used with BSL-2 safety measures and may require prior approval from your Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC).

What sizes of Quick-Neuron™ differentiation kits are available?

Off the shelf, we offer small and large iPSC neuronal differentiation kits. The small size is best suited for single cell, imaging analyses, and pilot studies while the large size is best for applications such as high throughput screening and RNA sequencing.
